About Me

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I am Soumyadeep Das, an incoming doctoral student at ICRAR/ University of Western Australia, Perth.

I am interested in Active galactic nuclei (AGN) research via multiwavelength studies. I plan to study the evolutionary path of radio galaxies - focussing on questions such as why all young and compact sources do not evolve into giant radio galaxies, what triggers an AGN restart, and the role of the host environment on AGN life-cycle. Further, I am interested in the unified theory of AGN classification. My primary interests lie in imaging and analysis of radio interferometric data of different classes of AGN at different resolutions, frequencies, and sensitivities.

In the long run, I hope to make a difference in making a career in science more accessible to less fortunate Indian students.


Soumyadeep Das

Work Process


Meticulous Planning

Plan elegant, other-worldly, totally impossible stuff. Do intensive research and tone down. Tone further down. And a little bit more.


Make A Clean Design

Finalize a clean design. Create/acquire the elements. Finish the design, and test extensively on different devices. Optimize performance.



Deploy the website. Deliver a git repo with the source code. Configure cache, performance, security on cloudflare. Deliver final product.